Episode Synopsis "06 - Niccola and Giovanni of Pisa"
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More episodes of the podcast Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects by Giorgio Vasari
- 01 - Translator's Preface and Dedications to Cosimo de Medici
- 02 - Preface to the Whole Work
- 03 - Preface to the Lives
- 04 - Giovanni Cimabue
- 05 - Arnolfo di Lapo
- 06 - Niccola and Giovanni of Pisa
- 07 - Andrea Tafi
- 08 - Gaddo Gaddi
- 09 - Margaritone
- 10 - Giotto, part 1
- 11 - Giotto, part 2
- 12 - Agostino and Agnolo of Siena
- 13 - Stefano and Ugolino Sanese
- 14 - Pietro Laurati
- 15 - Andrea Pisano
- 16 - Buonamico Buffalmacco, part 1
- 17 - Buonamico Buffalmacco, part 2
- 18 - Ambrogio Lorenzetti
- 19 - Pietro Cavallini
- 20 - Simone Sanese
- 21 - Life of Taddeo Gaddi, Painter of Florence
- 22 - Andrea di Cione Orcagna
- 23 - Tommaso, called Giottino
- 24 - Giovanni dal Ponte
- 25 - Agnolo Gaddi