Sunset Trash Truck Sound in the afternoon|1.5 Hours ASMR White Noice|Chiayi County, Taiwan

Sunset Trash Truck Sound in the afternoon|1.5 Hours ASMR White Noice|Chiayi County, Taiwan

Listen to the city

26/12/2020 10:00AM

Episode Synopsis "Sunset Trash Truck Sound in the afternoon|1.5 Hours ASMR White Noice|Chiayi County, Taiwan "

Chiayi County, Taiwan, Winter Sunset Taiwanese takes out the trash when the trash truck comes. When Hongkonger heard The Blue Danube (An der schönen, blauen Donau-Johann Strauss II) they know the ice cream van is coming. However, Taiwanese know the trash truck is coming by hearing For Elise (Für Elise-Ludwig van Beethoven) or A Maiden's Prayer (Modlitwa dziewicy-Tekla Bądarzewska-Baranowska). Every country or city has it’s own unique that it’s worth visit. Welcome to this channel. Subscribe this channel. It would be a motivation for me to record more familiar city sounds for you.| 嘉義縣, 台灣, 冬天日落 台灣人在垃圾車來時把垃圾拿出去丟。 當香港人聽到藍色多瑙河的音樂,他們就知道雪糕車來了。然而在台灣聽到給愛麗絲或者少女的祈禱就會知道垃圾車及機到來。 每個國家、城市都有各自獨特的味道值得細細品嚐。 歡迎來到這個頻道 訂閱可以讓我有更多動力錄製更多類似這樣的城市聲,留言告訴我屬於你的城市故事,或者告訴我你想要聽到哪個城市、城鎮的聲音。 Youtube for full version of this city: Spotify: Instagram:

Listen "Sunset Trash Truck Sound in the afternoon|1.5 Hours ASMR White Noice|Chiayi County, Taiwan "

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