Self-Esteem- Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Self-Esteem- Jonathan Livingston Seagull


27/05/2020 5:05PM

Episode Synopsis "Self-Esteem- Jonathan Livingston Seagull"

Fletcher has poor self-esteem; therefore, he calls himself “stupid.” Fletcher feels that Jonathan is wasting his time, and Jonathan claims that Fletcher needs to keep on trying and he will be great at flying. Eventually, Jonathan acquires six new students that are all Outcasts. Then, Jonathan tells his students that it is time to return to the Breakfast Flock, and that is where Jonathan continues his teaching. Soon, many of the Breakfast Flock gulls become interested in learning how to fly like Jonathan. During a flight, Fletcher slams into a cliff and thinks he is dead, but Jonathan tells Fletcher that he has just reached a new level. With the desire to leave, Jonathan wants Fletcher to take over being the teacher to the other gulls. Although Fletcher does not want him to leave, Jonathan vanishes. Fletcher remains on the shore to assist and teach the gulls from the Breakfast Flock.

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