Episode Synopsis "#3. Episode 3 - O. Thomas - The future of traceability for recycled materials is PRO-ACTIVE and some remarks on hedging for recycled paper"
Our guest in this third episode is Olivier Thomas. Olivier is CEO of Suez Trading Europe, overseeing the sales and preparation of 6 Million Tons of recycled raw materials (paper, plastics, wood...). Olivier has been involved in the paper market and the trade of recycled commodities for more than 15 years. In this episode we take advantage of his unique international experience, innovative mindset and involvement in European law-making to dive in the future of recycled materials traceability and international trade. The menu for this episode: 1. A short discussion of hedging tools for recycled paper and board as Olivier as looked in details at the product recently launched by NOREXECO 2. Why the future of recycled materials trade depends on implementing a proactive approach to traceability and how could this traceability mechanism look like Enjoy! Episode written summary on Medium
Listen "#3. Episode 3 - O. Thomas - The future of traceability for recycled materials is PRO-ACTIVE and some remarks on hedging for recycled paper"
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- #3. Episode 3 - O. Thomas - The future of traceability for recycled materials is PRO-ACTIVE and some remarks on hedging for recycled paper
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