Lake Bible Church,located in Lake Oswego, Oregon, is a Christian church where sermons are based upon careful examination of God's Holy Word, the Bible.
Latest episodes of the podcast Lake Bible Church Sunday Sermons
- Everything We Need (2 Peter 1:3-11)
- Heart Lifting Words for Heart Rending Times (John 16:16-33)
- Checking our Coordinates (John 17:1-5)
- ?Jesus Don?t Sponsor No Flops? (the late Ethel Waters) (John 16:6-16)
- An Empty Tomb Where A Body Should Have Been (John 20:1-10)
- The Way It Is - Face It and Embrace It (John 17:14-17)
- Jesus: The Reason Why We Run (Hebrews 12:1-4)
- Into the Lion?s Den (John 17:18-25)
- Into the Lion?s Den (John 17:18-25)
- Put the Sword Away! (John 18:1-12)
- Put the Sword Away! (John 18:1-12)
- Guard Your Conscience! (John 18:12-18)
- What Is Truth? (John 18:28-40)
- What Is Truth? (John 18:28-40)
- He Who Has Found His Life Shall Lose It (John 19:11-18)
- Where God is Found (Joshua 1:1-9)
- How Much Do You Trust Him? (Luke 9:23-26)
- You can love me now! (John 14:15-24)
- Is Jesus Enough? (Philippians 1:18-26)
- ?It is finished!? (John 19:19-30)
- The Great Paradox of the Christian Life (John 20:17-23)
- So Send I You (John 20:21-30)
- Faith Not Created in a Vacuum (John 20:30-31)
- When in Limbo (John 21:1-10)
- Evicting Peter-Guilt (John 21:9-25)
- Finding the Right Man, The Necessary Qualities of the Pastor (Ephesians 4:11-13)
- The Pastor?s Vital Pieces of Furniture: A Pulpit and Kneeler (Acts 6:1-4)
- Where Do We Go From Here? ( )
- Are we doing what we should be doing? ( )
- Discipleship Begins at Home (Deuteronomy 6:1-9)
- A Broken Heart for a Dramatic Call (Nehemiah 1:1-4)
- Six Vital Ingredients of Prayer (Nehemiah 1:5-11)
- The Providential Hand of God (Nehemiah 2:1-10)
- It?s All About People (Nehemiah 3:1-33)
- Attacks on the Work of God (Nehemiah 4:1-9)
- The Disease of Discouragement (Nehemiah 4:10-23)
- ??Restoring Unity? (Nehemiah 5:1-19)
- The World of Intimidation (Nehemiah 6)
- The Heart of Revival (Nehemiah 8:1-12)
- Worship - Renewal - Revival (Nehemiah 9:1-4)
- Prophecies and Fulfillment of the Messiah (Daniel 1)
- If Jesus Had Not Come (John 15:22)
- Becoming Your Best Self (Psalm 1:1-6)
- A Promise Is A Promise (Nehemiah 10)
- A Big Day in the Holy City (Nehemiah 12:27)
- Relapse - Reform - Revival (Nehemiah 13)
- The Marks Of An Effective Church ( )
- The Marks Of An Effective Church ( )
- Partners in the Gospel (Philippians 1:1-11)
- ?Following Jesus - Through Our Fears? (1 Thessalonians 1-2)