2◇25◇19 Ft. @chance_the_baker and @rich_homie_jona

2◇25◇19 Ft. @chance_the_baker and @rich_homie_jona

l o - k e y - f i

05/03/2019 7:01AM

Episode Synopsis "2◇25◇19 Ft. @chance_the_baker and @rich_homie_jona"

2◇25◇19 C A L L I N G A L L S N E A K E R H E A D S !!! Sneaker connoisseur @chance_the_baker and @rich_homie_jona L I V E I N S T U D I O F r e s h n e w s i n g l e s f r o m @blaquetrumpet and @pvwnbroker L o - F i f r o m L - K - F F e a t u r e d A r t i s t s + More

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