Short, practical and clear shiurim on the laws of Kashrus. From farm to plate. How to keep a kosher home. What's behind that kosher symbol or Hebrew jargon. This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at and share your Torah with the world.
Latest episodes of the podcast Kashrus Explained
- Bracha on oat challah (challah#17)
- Oat challah (Challah #16)
- Multi grain bread (challah#15)
- The whole wheat wheat shaila (challah #13)
- The amount of flour needed for Hafrashas Challah with a beracha (Challah #12)
- The minimum amount of flour that requires Hafrashas Challah (Challah #11)
- The unique status of Challah outside Eretz Yisroel (challah #10)
- Eat and then ask Questions (Challah #9)
- The dough exploded!!! (Challah #8)
- Hataras Nedarim over zoom (Hafrashas Challah #7)
- Hataras Nedarim (Challah #6)
- Whoops where's my challah!?!? (Challah #5)
- Women and Hafrashas Challah (challah #4)
- Giving challah to a Kohen today, Yichus questions, egg matzah production, tossing in the garbage instead of burning it (challah #3)
- Why we do what we do (Challah #2)
- Intro to Hilchos Hafrashas challah (Challah #1)
- Concluding ideas and Qs for further analysis (Chodosh #7)
- Navigating the Yoshon scene (Chodosh #6)
- Should you only eat "Yoshon"? (Chodosh #5)
- The Bal Shem Tov, Bach, and Rema (Chodosh #4)
- Chodosh only assur mdrabbonon outside of Eretz Yisroel (Chodosh #3)
- The heter of the Taz, and the Karbon Omer(Chodosh #2)
- The prohibition of eating Chodosh (Chodosh #1)
- Introduction to a new series: Kashrus Explained