Episode Synopsis "We return to see the evolution of the guava (¨fruits of paradise¨)"
https://3speak.tv/watch?v=jlufer/jhtcnsls Que genial regresar después de algunas semanas de ausencia en esta maravillosa ¨ThreespeakCommunity¨: He estado un poco ausente porque no tenía material audiovisual para compartir con todos ustedes, pero ayer en la tarde, aprovechando que estaba huyendo de las altas temperaturas y me refugie en el predio, aproveche para cumplir con una promesa que las había hecho hace algún tiempo Source: Family Álbum How great to return after a few weeks of absence in this wonderful ¨ThreespeakCommunity¨: I have been a little absent because I did not have audiovisual material to share with all of you, but yesterday afternoon, taking advantage of the fact that I was fleeing from the high temperatures and took refuge on the premises, I took the opportunity to comply with a promise I had made some time ago En unas de las tantas visitas a la reserva les había enseñado una planta de ¨guayabas¨: que habíamos descubierto en aquella oportunidad, en ese momento había sido una agradable sorpresa, dado que era la primera vez que veía esta planta en mucho tiempo Source: Family Álbum On one of the many visits to the reserve I had shown them a guava plant¨: which we had discovered on that occasion, at that time it had been a pleasant surprise, given that it was the first time I had seen this plant in a long time Es ese momento el árbol estaba dando sus primeras flores, y les comentaba que desde esa pequeña flor crecerían los frutos, para esto habíamos calculado que en el mes de marzo estaríamos en condiciones de ver los ¨frutos¨: maduros. Hoy estamos con nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ para hacer tomas y el video que nos permitirá ver la evolución de sus frutos. Ustedes no pueden percibir el aroma que emana esta fruta, pero si conocen el aroma, al ver estas tomas seguro podrán sentir su perfume Source: Family Álbum At that time the tree was giving its first flowers, and I told them that from that small flower the fruits would grow, for this we had calculated that in the month of March we would be able to see the ¨frutos¨: ripe. Today we are with our camera ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ to take shots and the video that will allow us to see the evolution of its fruits. You cannot perceive the aroma that this fruit emanates, but if you know the aroma, when you see these shots you will surely be able to feel its perfume Música de fondo-Background music ¨Waterfall¨: ¨RomanSenykMusic¨ ¨No Copyright Music¨: Source: Source: vimeo-free-videos
Listen "We return to see the evolution of the guava (¨fruits of paradise¨)"
More episodes of the podcast jlufer 3Speak Podcast
- Celebrating Hive's birthday my way (Es-Eng)
- We return to see the evolution of the guava (¨fruits of paradise¨)
- ¨Corrientes¨ ¨Ciudad¨ de los ¨Murales¨ (Mi desafío de hoy en Hive)
- Boats of our imposing mirror of water (¨Ecency¨ Video ¨Contest¨)
- Majesties of natural life (¨Birds of paradise¨)
- Enjoying good deeds (The “law” of “attraction”)
- Tree and fruit that when you see them take you back to the past (Little corner of memory)
- A nature bath as a “restorative therapy” (Rinconcito Restaurador)
- Admiring another beautiful sector of the reserve (El Rinconcito de ¨Cassia¨)
- The Chinese Flower Glade (Rinconcito Natural)
- Beautiful view of an interior meadow (Rinconcito Natural)
- A city full of green spaces (Rinconcito- de mi Ciudad)
- In the nature reserve there are many beautiful things to see (Natural beauty of my land)
- A brief visit to the city port (Rinconcitos-de mi tierra)
- The nature reserve is really beautiful (Rinconcitos-Naturales)