Rosh Chodesh: The Amazing Machlokes Shoel U’meishiv and R’ Moshe Feinstein If One Forgets Yaaleh V’yavo and Then Hears Kedusha While In Elokai Netzor

Jewish Holidays

29/01/2025 7:46PM

Episode Synopsis "Rosh Chodesh: The Amazing Machlokes Shoel U’meishiv and R’ Moshe Feinstein If One Forgets Yaaleh V’yavo and Then Hears Kedusha While In Elokai Netzor"

Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime The post Rosh Chodesh: The Amazing Machlokes Shoel U’meishiv and R’ Moshe Feinstein If One Forgets Yaaleh V’yavo and Then Hears Kedusha While In Elokai Netzor appeared first on Jewish Holidays.

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