Episode Synopsis "Rosh Chodesh: The Amazing Machlokes Shoel U’meishiv and R’ Moshe Feinstein If One Forgets Yaaleh V’yavo and Then Hears Kedusha While In Elokai Netzor"
Shiur provided courtesy of Torah Anytime The post Rosh Chodesh: The Amazing Machlokes Shoel U’meishiv and R’ Moshe Feinstein If One Forgets Yaaleh V’yavo and Then Hears Kedusha While In Elokai Netzor appeared first on Jewish Holidays.
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More episodes of the podcast Jewish Holidays
- The Yahrtzeit of Rav Chaim Filagi – י”ז שבת פרשת יתרו – And Why a Talmid Chacham Is Called Up for the Aseres Hadibros
- Tu B’Shevat Tish 5785 – Rav Dovid Zacutto of Modena’s Revolutionary Revelation of the Objective of the Day
- Tu B’Shevat – The Day to Start Preparing for Purim
- Tu B’Shevat – The Earthshattering Significance of What Moshe Rabbeinu Taught on the Last Tu B’Shevat of His Life
- Tu B’Shevat – The Seeds of the Final Redemption and the Electrifying Remez to the Greatest Ray of Hope
- Discover The Light & the Splendor of Tu B’Shevat
- Dvar Torah of the Baba Sali on His Yahrtzeit – ד’ שבט
- The Yahrtzeit of the Sfas Emes ה’ שבט – Even Commemorated in the Holocaust
- Rosh Chodesh: The Amazing Machlokes Shoel U’meishiv and R’ Moshe Feinstein If One Forgets Yaaleh V’yavo and Then Hears Kedusha While In Elokai Netzor
- Asara B’Tevet: Fasting on Erev Shabbos