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Latest episodes of the podcast Jewish Holidays
- The Yahrtzeit of Rav Chaim Filagi – י”ז שבת פרשת יתרו – And Why a Talmid Chacham Is Called Up for the Aseres Hadibros
- Tu B’Shevat Tish 5785 – Rav Dovid Zacutto of Modena’s Revolutionary Revelation of the Objective of the Day
- Tu B’Shevat – The Day to Start Preparing for Purim
- Tu B’Shevat – The Earthshattering Significance of What Moshe Rabbeinu Taught on the Last Tu B’Shevat of His Life
- Tu B’Shevat – The Seeds of the Final Redemption and the Electrifying Remez to the Greatest Ray of Hope
- Discover The Light & the Splendor of Tu B’Shevat
- Dvar Torah of the Baba Sali on His Yahrtzeit – ד’ שבט
- The Yahrtzeit of the Sfas Emes ה’ שבט – Even Commemorated in the Holocaust
- Rosh Chodesh: The Amazing Machlokes Shoel U’meishiv and R’ Moshe Feinstein If One Forgets Yaaleh V’yavo and Then Hears Kedusha While In Elokai Netzor
- Asara B’Tevet: Fasting on Erev Shabbos