Guaco - Pídeme (cover-Jesus romero)

Guaco - Pídeme (cover-Jesus romero)

jeroromero11 3Speak Podcast

16/07/2021 12:35PM

Episode Synopsis "Guaco - Pídeme (cover-Jesus romero)" Esta es una cancion de una agrupacion venezolana, la cual conoci gracias a una amiga que le gusta mucho esta cancion, y me la aprendi con la intencion de cantarla con ella, espero y les guste y sea de su aprecio, se les agradece hasta lo mas minimo. English This is a song by a Venezuelan group, which I met thanks to a friend who likes this song very much, and I learned it with the intention of singing it with her, I hope and you like it and it is of your appreciation, you are grateful to what more minimal. Link:

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