Indelible moment

Indelible moment

Indelible moment

02/04/2020 9:18PM

Episode Synopsis "Indelible moment"

​When I initially approached the idea of my own personal indelible moment and after watching several of the Moth videos, I was first inspired by those young students courage in being able to stand up in front of a crowd and discuss some of their innermost personal feelings and stories with strangers. As I know, many of you reading this are not strangers to me, my indelible moment includes some personal feelings and issues that I typically would not share so these videos influenced me by motivating me to reveal personal information. During the process of my reflection, I discovered that as a student I generally tend to apply a great deal of pressure on myself. As I begin to apply more pressure and become increasingly stressed, this seems to affect my ability to focus and make progress in the assignment or task I am trying to complete. As I began to replay this moment over and over in my mind in order to put it on paper, I discovered how much this memory still resonates with me as I was able to articulate it in surprising detail as I describe my emotions. So much so that I had to limit how in-depth I went as to save space. Because of this and how distinct the memory is in my head, brainstorming was not an issue. The only challenges I faced was when I attempted to record a podcast episode. Let’s just say I will never be confused for a technological genius.

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