How to enable innovation while maintaining process and structure | Sarandos Gouvelis (De Beers | Innovation Capability Lead)

How to enable innovation while maintaining process and structure | Sarandos Gouvelis (De Beers | Innovation Capability Lead)

I Get it! Now what? from Vuuma Collaborations

30/05/2020 10:20AM

Episode Synopsis "How to enable innovation while maintaining process and structure | Sarandos Gouvelis (De Beers | Innovation Capability Lead)"

How to enable innovation while maintaining process and structure — A conversation journey into what underpins excellence in innovation Sarandos Gouvelis (De Beers | Innovation Capability Lead) It's an age old battle, the dance between structured process and innovation practice, and it's won on the grounds of balance. In this podcast we discuss innovation with Sarandos Gouvelis, innovation capability lead at De Beers, the worlds leading diamond company. We speak about how innovation is a 'both-and', not an 'either-or.' Innovation isn't just about great ideas but great ideas that you can capitalize on. Innovative organisations are underpinned by understanding the need for freedom in the process but structure in the freedom. Join us as we dig deep and make business personal. Vuuma Collaborations website Vuuma Collaborations training company website Sarandos Gouvelis LinkedIn page Visit our website for more information on Sytems Thinking When you're ready to #BeHeard, contact the podcast specialists at

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