HR 3 - The President's meeting with Kim Jung Un,  Dennis Rodman speaks about the historic meeting, Callers weigh in on the historic meeting

HR 3 - The President's meeting with Kim Jung Un, Dennis Rodman speaks about the historic meeting, Callers weigh in on the historic meeting

HR 3 - The President's meeting with Kim Jung Un, Dennis Rodman speaks about the historic meeting, Callers weigh in on the historic meeting

12/06/2018 8:00AM

Episode Synopsis "HR 3 - The President's meeting with Kim Jung Un, Dennis Rodman speaks about the historic meeting, Callers weigh in on the historic meeting"

Listen "HR 3 - The President's meeting with Kim Jung Un, Dennis Rodman speaks about the historic meeting, Callers weigh in on the historic meeting"

More episodes of the podcast HR 3 - The President's meeting with Kim Jung Un, Dennis Rodman speaks about the historic meeting, Callers weigh in on the historic meeting