Episode Synopsis "E06-Unspoken Expectations"
In this episode the men join us as we talk about unspoken expectations that occur in our marriages. So many times we go along and let conversations/potential issues be swept under the rug, mainly being left unsaid. You will hear some trying and easy ways to get through problems that has been rooted in families for generations...that we break daily. Being married is not easy but with communication, love and patience you can get through anything.
Listen "E06-Unspoken Expectations"
More episodes of the podcast Girl Time
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- E12-Reoccurring Fears
- E11 The Release of Fear
- E09-Ministering through Dance
- E08-WorkOut: Family Edition
- E07-LoveForTheArts
- E06-Unspoken Expectations
- E05-Don'tDenyYourGreatness
- E04-Viewsonmarriage
- E03-FiveLovelanguages2
- E02-FiveLoveLanguages
- E01-Introduction