Episode Synopsis "Episode 3: Outside the Park Turnstile - High Adventures on the Seven Seas...Lagoon"
Grab a drink, and take a seat at the Tiki Room Bar as Pierre and Fritz start a new series: Things to do without ever passing through a turnstile. In this first edition, we take a tour of the Seven Seas Lagoon and take a look at some of the activities you can do at the Bay Lake Resorts, with or without the kids. We also have our first ever food of the week!
Listen "Episode 3: Outside the Park Turnstile - High Adventures on the Seven Seas...Lagoon"
More episodes of the podcast Expedition: Disney
- Episode 16: Top Places and Things to Eat on Disney Property
- Episode 15: Prop Culture Part 2
- Episode 14: Prop Culture Part 1
- Episode 13: Missed Opportunities of the Past and Present
- Episode 12: Top Things to Love About Animal Kingdom
- Episode 11: Favorite Walt Disney Animated Movies
- Episode 10: Smells of Walt Disney World!
- Episode 9: Flower and Garden Fest and Tours of the Magic Kingdom
- Episode 7: Outside the Park Turnstile - Crescent Lake Resort Edition!
- Episode 6: Favorite Classic Attractions and More!
- Episode 5: Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party! And Another Special Guest
- Episode 4: Food and Wine....and Guest
- Episode 3: Outside the Park Turnstile - High Adventures on the Seven Seas...Lagoon
- Episode 2: Mr. Lincoln Goes to Toy Story Land
- Episode 1: A Walk Down Memory Lane