Episode Synopsis "The Year 2020"
So the year’s coming to an end and it has hell of a ride, so many things to be thankful for and not gonna lie a lot of annoying things but I made it through and so did you, so tune in for the last time this year, see you in 2021.
Listen "The Year 2020"
More episodes of the podcast Exclusively yours
- The Toxic Extreme
- Is overpowering really a trait?
- Love is all around us
- The one with the friends reunion
- Multi facets of personality
- Everyday is a learning
- Fictional Reality
- Till forever falls apart
- The circle of uncertainty
- A little heart to heart
- The Year 2020
- The addiction to the past
- The art of imperfection
- A Detached Soul
- Happiness is a choice
- A perfect love ?
- Learn a little about my podcast