Episode Synopsis "Moon in Aquarius/Answer Questions/Shout Out "
Tonight I will talk about the Moon in Aquarius. I will also answer a question that was asked via social media on compatibility between Sagittarius and Aquarius. I will also give you information on how to ask me a question via social media to have answered on the next episode. I will also give a shout out to a wonderful podcast.
Listen "Moon in Aquarius/Answer Questions/Shout Out "
More episodes of the podcast Evening Astrology With Hales
- Rare Full Blue Moon in Taurus/Ep 8 pt 2
- Scorpio Season pt1/Jupiter in Capricorn and The Moon
- Venus in Virgo/Chiron in Aries Rx
- Mercury in Scorpio/Gemini Compatibility
- Moon in Aquarius/Answer Questions/Shout Out
- Uranus in Taurus and it's Retrograde
- Venus in Leo/Neptune in Pisces Retrograde
- Moon in Capricorn/Libra Season
- Mars Retrograde in Aries/Your questions
- Moon in Sagittarius
- Evening Astrology With Hales (Trailer)