Content Creation - A small read for 2020!

Content Creation - A small read for 2020!

Digital Geckos ON AIR

20/12/2019 10:58AM

Episode Synopsis "Content Creation - A small read for 2020!"

If you have a website, you want to become a traffic magnet. If you think of your prospect’s frame of mind when they come to your site, it’s easy to begin attracting them. Why aren’t they buying from you? First, you should use an analytics program. This gives you insight into why people leave without buying. If you know why they leave, you can fix it and they might stay and buy. Google’s analytics works really well and doesn’t cost anything. If you have the data from visitors, you can improve the performance of your sites and make more money. Now, find where your audience is already going. Do a search for your most basic keyword terms (if you sell expensive chairs, a search for the chair would do the trick). What sites pop up? Visit the 3 sites that show up first. Then, look at the bottom of the site for a link that states “advertise” or something similar. Advertising on one of these sites is a great shortcut when trying to get more traffic. You may even find forums, blogs, or other social sites where you can post there for free. Do you know about Google’s alerts program? Google’s alert service lets you know when people use keywords you want to know about. Imagine this: Your prospect goes to a forum and asks something related to your products. You get a notice in your email and are able to go and answer that question, of course, you leave a link to your website where they can buy something that solves their problems. Setup questions as Google Alerts! To find the questions, go to Yahoo Answers and do a search for your most basic keyword term to find questions that others have already asked. The key is to take a piece of the question and wrap it in quotes, that tells Google to only send you alerts with that exact term included in it and will save you from having to dig through alerts you don’t need or want (example: “how do I get traffic”). The best part is that Google already knows that the question is there, so it will be back to find your link to your site and will give you credit for it. Here is an obvious step that nobody considers. Google implemented something called Universal Search in May of 2007. They took all of their individual search engines (video, news, blogs, images, etc…) and put it all into one gigantic index of the web, so the content writing is king. I’m sure you saw this the last time you searched for something on Google. What this change told us smart marketers is that we should be targeting those other variations on Google’s search engine to gain rankings a lot easier. There are a lot fewer videos competing for your keyword terms then websites. Use this and send out a press release when you have something newsworthy to announce.

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