Devi Gita

Swami Satyananda Saraswati of DeviMandir provided these free audio classes explaining his Advanced Devi Gita book (also available as iPad App named 'Devi Gita') Devi Gita, which is composed of 12 chapters from the Srimad Devi Bhagavatam, is a treasure chest of devotional practices and attitudes which every devotee of the Divine Mother will want to learn and apply. The Devi Gita teaches a doctrine of holistic spirituality in which all forms of Yoga, such as action (karma yoga), wisdom (jnana yoga), devotion (bhakti yoga) and meditation (dhyana yoga), are united. Swami Satyananda Saraswati’s class on the Devi Gita provides a rare opportunity to become absorbed in His wisdom and His bhava (emotional attitude). .For more info about this book, please visit .For HD quality videos of these Podcasts, please visit

Devi Gita

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