
This virus" is Make us' force to stay indoor' it not' just' effect ' the rich' I feel like' the middle' class ' the one like myself' whom, is living paychecks to paychecks' it have a worse effect' not been able too' pay our ' rent' buy all food's we need' car insurance' buy' all correct supply' too keep us healthy' or buy gas for our car's to a ttemp to vist ' our love one it the nusing home's like' my adopted mother in nurse home' and the result from' not been able to finance ' take care your love one's ' my opinion ' the less' money we have' the situations for' us is ' getting ' worse each day' this alone' can't cause. Us too fall's in a Deep depression' I do believe' God has' us' but I'm still' get over nervous' and worry' as each day's passes🙏


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