Listen to the weekly sermon from Pastor Johnold Strey at Crown of Life Lutheran Church and School in Hubertus, Wisconsin.
Latest episodes of the podcast Crown of Life Lutheran Sermon podcast
- God Sent Me Here
- Where is My Identity Found? 1. Is it in my thorns?, 2. Or is it in my Savior?
- I Hear the Savior Calling, 1. Calling me to trust his Word, 2. Calling others through his Word
- See in Jesus What Simeon and Anna Saw, 1. Peace that prepares us to depart, 2. Redemption worth talking about
- Hatred for the Hometown Hero?
- Everything Is Bigger with God
- Why Is Baptism a Big Deal?
- Now the Work of Christmas Begins
- Did You Get What You Expected for Christmas?
- The Coming King Gives a New Reason to Sing: 1. To his people, 2. To his creation
- A Real Christmas, 1. Jesus came in real history, 2. Jesus came for real people
- What Should He Do?
- John the Baptist: Rude or Right On?
- Prepare for THE Messenger...who convicts sin... who calls to repentance
- In the Announcement to Mary... 1. God gives his..., 2. God promises his..., 3. God demonstrates his..., 4. God prepares his...
- What Kind of King is This? 1. He is the king of humility, 2. He puts his people first
- The Real Reason for Thanksgiving
- Eternal Life is Coming! 1. Are you ready?, 2. Can you help others to be ready?
- What You Need to Know to Love Judgment Day, 1. What Jesus did when he appeared the first time, 2. What Jesus will do when he appears again
- When Pennies Become Priceless
- What is Love?
- Praise the God Who Rescues His Servants!
- It's Not About Me
- The Lord Knows: 1. He commends faith when he sees it, 2. He condemns sin even when no one else sees it
- Marriage Is a Mirror, 1. Husbands reflect Christ to their wives, 2. Wives reflect the Church to their husbands
- Picture the Victory over the Dragon
- Jesus Turns Service into Greatness
- It's Time to Suit Up! 1. God equips us for battle, 2. Don't let it be your secret identity
- All I Need Is a Miracle
- It's What's Inside that Counts! 1. A sinful heart only offers lip-service to God, 2. A redeemed heart offers him genuine obediance
- Jesus Says What Needs to Be Said, 1. despite potential rejection, 2. for our eternal salvation
- Satisfy Your Soul with the Bread of Life
- What Kind of Bread Are You Searching For?
- Jesus' Crumbs Are for Everybody
- Will the Lord Provide?
- Spiritual Care for Straying Sheep
- Called by God to Carry His Message
- Don't Be Afraid, Disciple!
- Our Savior Silences All Our Doubts, 1. His fulfilled promises reassure us, 2. His divine power inspires worship.
- An Unlikely Connection
- God's Kingdom Grows, 1. without our power, 2. with God's blessings
- Worship Was Made for Us!
- Jesus Wins!
- You're Connected to the Trinity, so Raise Your Expectations
- Jesus' Pentecost Gift: The Holy Spirit
- The Simple Facts of Ascension, 1. Christ's mission is accomplished, 2. Our mission has begun
- Love One Another
- God Is Greater than Our Hearts
- Jesus Is No Ordinary Shepherd, 1. He willingly dies and rises for his sheep, 2. He eagerly desires to bring in other sheep
- Jesus' Resurrection Directs Our Message
- Jesus Surprises Us with Peace
- Resurrection Reality: for Christ... for us
- God on Trial: Evidence
- God on Trial: Refuge
- God on Trial: Sympathy
- Jesus Opens our Eyes
- God on Trial: Truth
- A Reformation-Worthy Doctrine
- God on Trial: Misconceptions
- Let the Church Be the Church! 1. Don't bring the "world" into the church, 2. Bring Christ and his work to the world
- God on Trial: Testimony
- The Cross Is Necessary! 1. Jesus' cross brings us peace, 2. Our crosses produce perseverance
- God on Trial: Restraint
- God Will Provide the Lamb
- God on Trial: Accusations
- How Does the Light Up There Get Down Here?
- Lessons Learned through Suffering
- Does Jesus Amaze You? 1. Listen to this teaching!, 2. Look at his power!
- Christ-Like Compassion
- Jesus Does the Impossible with the Illogical
- Look Closely at God's Christmas Gift, 1. Look at its tag, 2. Look at its wrapping, 3. Look at its value.
- Christmas through Anna's Eyes
- Christmas Is about Family, 1. At Christmas, God became a part of our family, 2. Because of Christmas, we are adopted into God's family
- The Great Mystery of History
- The Name by Which He Will Be Called: Prince of Peace
- A Long Time Waiting
- O Savior, Rend the Heavens Wide! 1. Come down in mighty power, 2. Come down to us sinners, 3. Come down with your forgiveness
- The Lord's Own Word on the Lord's Own Return, 1. His Word dispels our ignorance, 2. His Word gives us encouragement
- Hope at the Harvest
- Time to Get in Touch with God's Emotions!
- Children of the Light Wait for the Day
- What Can We Say about the Saints?
- Jesus Makes You Fit for the King!
- The Lord Is Our Landlord
- Repent, and You Will Live, 1. since God will punish the wickedness, 2. since Christ lives in you
- God's Unbounded Grace Creates Unexpected Twists
- Be Imitators of Christ, 1. Speak well of others to build them up, 2. Forgive others to reflect Christ's grace
- Speak Up for the Truth! 1. The truth that matters for others, 2. The truth that matters for salvation
- God's Glory Looks Like a Cross, 1. The cross we follow, 2. The cross we carry
- What's in a Name?
- Crumbs of Compassion
- Kept Alive by a Gentle Whisper
- God's Treasure, 1. Treasure that comes first, 2. Treasure that saves
- An Ancient Miracle for a Modern World
- What in the World Is Going On?
- God's Word Accomplished God's Purpose, 1. His Word extends an invitation to all, 2. His Word produces his intended results
- Find Rest in Christ, 1. A rest revealed, 2. A rest that's real
- Are You All In? 1. Love for God precedes love for others, 2. Love for God leads us to love others
- A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Confession
- Lead Us, Lord! 1. Provide us with a leader, 2. Direct him with your Word