Episode Synopsis "God on Trial: Misconceptions"
Midweek Lent, Wed., Mar. 6, 2024. Based on Luke 23:1-12. Pastor William Schaefer. Website: crownoflifehubertus.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crownoflifehubertus/ Written transcriptions: https://johnoldstrey.wordpress.com/
Listen "God on Trial: Misconceptions"
More episodes of the podcast Crown of Life Lutheran Sermon podcast
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- Where is My Identity Found? 1. Is it in my thorns?, 2. Or is it in my Savior?
- I Hear the Savior Calling, 1. Calling me to trust his Word, 2. Calling others through his Word
- See in Jesus What Simeon and Anna Saw, 1. Peace that prepares us to depart, 2. Redemption worth talking about
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- Now the Work of Christmas Begins
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- Praise the God Who Rescues His Servants!
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- The Lord Knows: 1. He commends faith when he sees it, 2. He condemns sin even when no one else sees it
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