Welcome to Season 2. Taking advantage of modern technologies, adapting them for your use, your objectives, is a practice as well as a journey. So in addition to sharing stories of the messy realities of going digital, this season Janneke Ritchie will be sharing conversations that highlight some of the mindset, strategies and techniques of the practice of going digital. For more information visit orangegate.ca/brickstobytes.
Latest episodes of the podcast bricksTObytes
- S2 Ep01 When in Doubt, Choose Silver
- Bonus: Musical Storytelling with Joey Salvalaggio
- Hacking the Holidays
- Ep.08 Two Violins, a Viola and a Cello Go Digital
- Ep.07 Random Collisions, Digital Divide and Diving In
- Ep. 06 Virtual Programs, Nature Connection and Holding Hands
- Ep.05 Camp-in-a-box, Virtual Campfires, Real Connections
- Parrot Hats, Tubs of Toys, this is Tele-Intervention
- Van Gogh, Disney and Teaching Art Online
- ABCs, Digital Housekeeping and Avocado Toast
- Getting Scrappy, Making it Work and Silver Linings