Lesson Thirteen Bible PodClass

Bible on GigaDial Public

13/02/2007 10:37PM

Episode Synopsis "Lesson Thirteen Bible PodClass"

Hello and welcome to The Bible Pod class Lesson 13. My name is Duane and I will be your podclass instructor. The Bible Pod class is a weekly podcast to connect you with your Bible and help you apply it to your life. Each week In the Bible Pod Class we will have a time of information and inspiration. This week we have a great show for you. I want to thank all of you who are loyal and patient listeners and if this is your first listen I want to thank you too! Our Bible Lesson is in the book of First Kings continuing with the wisest man other than Jesus Christ. And we have a great message about Wisdom from the book of proverbs. And of course all of this is wrapped around great Christian Music. Today I’m going to do something a little different I’m going to play two songs by the same artist. John Martin Kieth. So without waiting any longer Let us open our Bibles and get into class.

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