For our video podcast "Adult learning and education in times of Covid-19", we invite colleagues and partners around the world to give their assessment of how the Corona crisis affects adult education.
Latest episodes of the podcast Adult Learning and Education in Times of Covid-19
- Abstand halten und doch nahe sein – Bildung schafft Zusammenhalt w/ Rita Süssmuth
- La crisis de la corona y implicaciones para comunidades indígenas w/ Esthela Vásquez
- India & the Corona Crisis – Lessons for Global Citizenship Education w/Rajesh Tandon
- La femme tunisienne en temps de crise w/ Radhia Jerbi
- Community development and adult education in Laos in times of crisis w/ Somchit Phonevilai
- Adult education 2.0 – The German Adult Education Centres and their digital learning offers w/ Celia Sokolowsky
- Implications of the Corona crisis for youth education in Kyrgyzstan
- Community development in Georgia during the Corona crisis w/ Tamar Chabukiani
- Adult education, democracy and human rights w/ Timothy Ireland
- New opportunities for civil society arising from the Corona pandemic w/ Ayşe Öktem
- Corona crises and challenges for community education in South Africa w/ Farrell Hunter
- How should adult education organisations react to the Corona crisis w/ Refat Sabbah