Episode Synopsis "Qualitative Characteristics - Understandability"
Qualitative Characteristics - Understandability
Listen "Qualitative Characteristics - Understandability"
More episodes of the podcast Accounting@MacRob
- Calculating the GST
- GST and the accounting equation
- GST General.
- Qualitative Characteristics - Verifiability
- Qualitative Characteristics - Comparability
- Qualitative Characteristics - Faithful Representation
- Qualitative Characteristics - Understandability
- Qualitative Characteristics - Timeliness
- Accounting Assumptions - Entity
- Accounting Assumptions - Going Concern
- Accounting Assumptions - Accrual Basis
- Accounting Assumptions - Reporting Period
- Fair Value
- The Accounting Equation (A = L + OE)
- Expenses (General)
- Revenue (General)
- Owner's Equity
- Equities (General)
- Liabilities (General)
- Assets (General)
- Bad and Doubtful Debts
- Accrued Revenue
- Accrued Expenses
- Unearned Revenue (Prepaid Revenue)
- Prepaid Expenses
- Balance Day Adjustments-General
- Disposal NCA-Trade-In-Profit
- Disposal NCA-Trade-In-Loss
- Disposal NCA-Cash-Profit
- Disposal NCA-Cash-Loss
- Depreciation-Reducing balance
- Depreciation-Straight line
- Depreciation-General
- Non Financial KPIs
- Account Reconstruction
- Business Performance: what is it?
- Internal Control:
- Cash v Profit (Unit 3)
- The Cash Flow Cover (CFC)
- Cash Flow Statement (Unit 3)
- Classified Balance Sheet (Unit 3)
- Good liquidity with net loss (Unit 3) Role Play
- Profit but poor liquidity (Unit 3) Role Play
- Ethics (General)
- Quick Asset Ratio (QAR)
- Closing/finalising the ledger
- Product Costing
- Identified Cost (IC)
- Accounts Payable Turnover (APTO)
- Cash Cycle
- Accounts Receivable Turnover (ARTO)
- Inventory Turnover (ITO)
- NRV/Inventory Write-Down
- Inventory gains.
- Inventory losses
- The Physical Stocktake
- Sales Returns
- Purchases Returns
- Working Capital Ratio (WCR)
- Debt Ratio (Part 1)
- Asset Turnover (ATO)
- Return on Owner's Investment (ROI)
- Opportunity Cost
- Benchmarks: KPIs
- Return on Assets (ROA)
- Net Profit Margin (NPM)
- Gross Profit Margin (GPM)
- Profit and Profitability
- KPIs: General
- Credit interview
- ARTO: Accounts Receivable Turnover
- Accounting equation: payment to accounts payable (no discount)
- Accounting equation: credit purchase of inventory
- Accounting equation: receipt from accounts receivable including discount
- Accounting equation: receipt from accounts receivable
- Accounting equation: credit sale
- Accounts Payable Statements
- Statements for Accounts Receivable
- Credit transactions and the reports
- Accounts payable is a current liability
- Why is Discount Revenue revenue?
- Paying an Accounts Payable with discount revenue
- Recording a credit purchase of inventory
- Documentation and credit purchases of inventory
- Buying inventory on credit: good for liquidity
- Accounts receivable are current assets
- Why is discount expense an expense?
- Receipt from Accounts Receivable including discount
- Recording a credit sale of inventory
- Documentation and credit sales
- How do account for credit card transactions?
- Disadvantages in offering credit
- Why sell on credit?
- Credit Checks or Debtor Screening