Episode Synopsis "How do account for credit card transactions?"
A customer/business wants to use their credit card to buy inventory from you. How do you account for this?
Listen "How do account for credit card transactions?"
More episodes of the podcast Accounting@MacRob
- Calculating the GST
- GST and the accounting equation
- GST General.
- Qualitative Characteristics - Verifiability
- Qualitative Characteristics - Comparability
- Qualitative Characteristics - Faithful Representation
- Qualitative Characteristics - Understandability
- Qualitative Characteristics - Timeliness
- Accounting Assumptions - Entity
- Accounting Assumptions - Going Concern
- Accounting Assumptions - Accrual Basis
- Accounting Assumptions - Reporting Period
- Fair Value
- The Accounting Equation (A = L + OE)
- Expenses (General)
- Revenue (General)
- Owner's Equity
- Equities (General)
- Liabilities (General)
- Assets (General)
- Bad and Doubtful Debts
- Accrued Revenue
- Accrued Expenses
- Unearned Revenue (Prepaid Revenue)
- Prepaid Expenses
- Balance Day Adjustments-General
- Disposal NCA-Trade-In-Profit
- Disposal NCA-Trade-In-Loss
- Disposal NCA-Cash-Profit
- Disposal NCA-Cash-Loss
- Depreciation-Reducing balance
- Depreciation-Straight line
- Depreciation-General
- Non Financial KPIs
- Account Reconstruction
- Business Performance: what is it?
- Internal Control:
- Cash v Profit (Unit 3)
- The Cash Flow Cover (CFC)
- Cash Flow Statement (Unit 3)
- Classified Balance Sheet (Unit 3)
- Good liquidity with net loss (Unit 3) Role Play
- Profit but poor liquidity (Unit 3) Role Play
- Ethics (General)
- Quick Asset Ratio (QAR)
- Closing/finalising the ledger
- Product Costing
- Identified Cost (IC)
- Accounts Payable Turnover (APTO)
- Cash Cycle
- Accounts Receivable Turnover (ARTO)
- Inventory Turnover (ITO)
- NRV/Inventory Write-Down
- Inventory gains.
- Inventory losses
- The Physical Stocktake
- Sales Returns
- Purchases Returns
- Working Capital Ratio (WCR)
- Debt Ratio (Part 1)
- Asset Turnover (ATO)
- Return on Owner's Investment (ROI)
- Opportunity Cost
- Benchmarks: KPIs
- Return on Assets (ROA)
- Net Profit Margin (NPM)
- Gross Profit Margin (GPM)
- Profit and Profitability
- KPIs: General
- Credit interview
- ARTO: Accounts Receivable Turnover
- Accounting equation: payment to accounts payable (no discount)
- Accounting equation: credit purchase of inventory
- Accounting equation: receipt from accounts receivable including discount
- Accounting equation: receipt from accounts receivable
- Accounting equation: credit sale
- Accounts Payable Statements
- Statements for Accounts Receivable
- Credit transactions and the reports
- Accounts payable is a current liability
- Why is Discount Revenue revenue?
- Paying an Accounts Payable with discount revenue
- Recording a credit purchase of inventory
- Documentation and credit purchases of inventory
- Buying inventory on credit: good for liquidity
- Accounts receivable are current assets
- Why is discount expense an expense?
- Receipt from Accounts Receivable including discount
- Recording a credit sale of inventory
- Documentation and credit sales
- How do account for credit card transactions?
- Disadvantages in offering credit
- Why sell on credit?
- Credit Checks or Debtor Screening