Episode Synopsis "Bangkitlah"
Listen "Bangkitlah"
More episodes of the podcast Ab Nur Kim's show
- Seperti Mati Suri
- Selamat Ulang Tahun (Cape Ah)
- One Peace (Versi Terbaru)
- Cobalah Lihat (Masih Belum)
- Awan Biru (Masih Belum)
- Malamku
- Pesona (Masih Belum)
- Jangan Hilang (Test)
- Month And Star (Reasonable)
- Best Friend (Trying)
- One-way (New)
- In My Dream (Terbaik)
- Love That Sincere
- Determine Winner
- You're Women (Dicoba)
- Bangkitlah
- Always There (Dicoba)
- Stored In Heart (Cukup)
- Stored In Heart (Mendingan)
- Can Meet You
- One Heart (Petikan)
- Imagination (Cukup)
- World And Hereafter
- This Moment (Sempurna)
- To Get You Forever (Terbaru)
- My Child
- I Hold On You
- Last Breath