Episode Synopsis "My life with Multiple Sclerosis: How I plan my day so I can live my best life."
Living with a chronic illness like Multiple Sclerosis is difficult. There are so many visible and invisible symptoms. In this episode I share how I structure my day. Having the right structure helps me reach my goals, and helps me manage how I live with this disease. The blog post can be seen hereThis episode was original broadcast on Connemara FM www.connemarafm.comon July 14, 2020Editing and music was by Zbigniew Zborowski My details are: Website: www.a30minutelife.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/a30minutelife Twitter: www.twitter.com/a30minutelife This was first broadcast on Connemara FM. Fresh Coffee Store Buy coffee freshly roasted when ordered and with FREE delivery. Supporting Chronic Illness Bloggers Thank you to Zbigniew Zborowski for the music
Listen "My life with Multiple Sclerosis: How I plan my day so I can live my best life."
More episodes of the podcast A 30 Minute Life, a life with Multiple Sclerosis and Chronic Pain by Robert Joyce
- The Price of Living with a Chronic Illness: One Man's Story
- World MS Day Connections
- A positive week after making a difficult decision
- How I make a difficult decision because of chronic illness
- Pain is expensive: A day in my life
- Invisible Symptoms: The impact of a delay on pain and mobility
- Disabled driving in Ireland: Stuck in a Time Bubble
- Rainy days: Are they good or bad?
- 5 tips to help overcome cognitive problems
- Diagnosis Day - Not the best birthday gift.
- Noise Intolerance 4 strategies I use to manage my reaction
- The power of sharing experiences
- How I bootstrap my life in 4 simple steps
- Willpower: Could it be speeding up my decline
- Fatigue: 3 tips to overcome guilt (with a bonus tip too)
- Can one voice change anything?
- Research vs Social Welfare in Ireland
- Hospitals: Are they for patient care or doctors careers?
- Sharing my experience of being a Patient Advocate
- Bittersweet Day
- What is all this noise
- Why learning to be a Patient Expert has given me a purpose
- Is Patient Advocacy Worth The Obstacles
- MS & Mobility what I am doing to help myself
- 100 Day Challenge – Overcoming procrastination
- Is Patient Advocacy Worth The Obstacles
- Depression in Multiple Sclerosis- Is it inevitable?
- COVID-19 Confinement is finishing, or is it?
- Losing everything, again
- Fear – Is it reasonable to be so afraid
- Should I get treatment now with COVID-19 as a risk
- How Patient & Public Involvement is giving me purpose
- Can you take a holiday from DISABILITY? The Irish Government thinks I can!!
- Is Dublin Airport the leader in disability services?
- Living with Chronic Illness - Grey Days (dealing with depression)
- A life changing trip to San Francisco Part 3
- A life changing trip San Francisco part 2
- A life changing trip to San Francisco Part 1
- Functional Electrical Stimulation is changing my life
- A great month, despite chronic illness
- A Delicate Subject Disabled Toilets
- Difficult decisions forced by chronic illness
- Disabled Drivers and Climate Change
- Meditation- Am I fading like these tulips
- Excluded and alone, the Irish government wants this for me
- Should I start self medicating?
- Pacing - Not as easy as it sounds
- The medical and care systems are broken
- Back Again
- My Life with MS & Chronic Pain - Weeks 6 & 7
- My life with MS & Chronic Pain - Week 5
- Why I get out of bed each day
- My Life with MS & Chronic Pain - Week 4
- My Life with MS & Chronic Pain - Week 3
- My life with MS & Chronic Pain - Week 2
- My Life with MS & Chronic Pain - Week 1
- MS Conference highlights the importance of exercise & Vitamin D
- Holidays and disability - my vacation in Malaga, Spain
- 5 tips for managing a chronic illness I learned from business
- The cause of isolation when you have a chronic illness
- 5 Tips to help with overwhelm
- Preserving energy
- What is the best diet for people with MS.
- I think electric cars will help solve mobility problems for the disabled.
- Chronic pain and illness have become too much
- What to pack when going to the hospital
- New Diagnosis and New Treatment
- What does Multiple Sclerosis feel like for me
- How I take opportunities while living with a chronic illness
- Meditation: I share how it benefits me
- Tears - I realise I will need to get a mobility scooter
- Taking the air
- How I am dealing with more pain
- How I have learned to live beyond my limits
- Living with Chronic Illness - Seizing the day
- How to travel when you have a chronic illness.
- 4 mindset changes to help you live with chronic illness
- Transition Day - MS causes me to stop working
- 5 tips for people diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis
- An Unexpected Companion - Pain
- The Old Bod Road
- Why I am grateful for the things I have
- What Multiple Sclerosis & Pain have taught me
- How I manage my emotions while living with multiple sclerosis
- What I learned about myself from a simple mistake
- What I do when I get sick, while having a chronic illness
- How I holiday with Multiple Sclerosis
- Living with Chronic Illness - Back to Work
- 6 positive habits I learned to help live with chronic illness
- Living with Chronic Illness - Happy New Year
- Living with Chronic Illness - Christmas Edition
- Finding purpose in your life when you are living with a chronic illness
- Living with chronic illness - Why I always listen
- Living with Chronic Illness - Coping with Pain
- Living with Chronic Illness - Bad Days
- Living with Chronic Illness - Winter is coming - Preparation
- Living with chronic illness - taking opportunities
- Living with Chronic Illness - Am I fooling myself trying to learn something new?
- Living with chronic illness - Storms in my head
- How can I be happy living with Multiple Sclerosis and Pain
- Living with Chronic Illness Tip 5 - Adjusting to the new 'normal'
- Living with Chronic Illness Tip 4 Get Support
- Living with Chronic Illness Tip 3 Look after your mental health
- Living with Chronic Illness Tip 2 Be Healthy
- Tip 1 How to be the Master of your Chronic Illness
- How I face a difficult decision about treating pain
- How I live with pain, creating a new 'normal'. Learn what I do.
- Invisible symptoms, how I have learned to live with them
- Why having a chronic illness, like multiple sclerosis, makes me fearful during this pandemic
- How I take back control of my life when chronic illness is taking it away.
- Part 4 of 4: Interview with Dr Jonathan Egan on how to manage anxiety, stress and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic
- How I decided to get treatment for multiple sclerosis during the pandemic
- Part 3 of 4: Interview with Dr Jonathan Egan on how to manage anxiety, stress and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic
- How I live with fatigue
- Part 2 of 4: Interview with Dr Jonathan Egan on how to manage anxiety, stress and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Part 1 of 4: Interview with Dr Jonathan Egan on how to manage anxiety, stress and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic
- My life with Multiple Sclerosis: How I plan my day so I can live my best life.
- Why Multiple Sclerosis and Chronic Pain makes me live in 30 minute chunks