I will be sharing how I (Robert Joyce) live my life with chronic illnesses, such as Multiple Sclerosis, Sarcoidosis, Asthma and Chronic Pain. Each episode will have me reading a post and then my comments about what has happened since I wrote it. I will also interview guests who have some connection with chronic illness, patients, carers or medical professionals. My goal is to share my experience, and what I have learned, with you, so you don't have to make the mistakes I have made.I have Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, and I was diagnosed 28 years ago. My Chronic Pain started 6 years ago, and I have tried many ways to manage it. In these programs you will learn how I achieve this.Thank you for listening, and these are my website and social details:Website: www.a30minutelife.comFacebook: www.facebook.com/A30MinuteLifeTwitter: www.twitter.com/A30MinuteLife
Latest episodes of the podcast A 30 Minute Life, a life with Multiple Sclerosis and Chronic Pain by Robert Joyce
- The Price of Living with a Chronic Illness: One Man's Story
- World MS Day Connections
- A positive week after making a difficult decision
- How I make a difficult decision because of chronic illness
- Pain is expensive: A day in my life
- Invisible Symptoms: The impact of a delay on pain and mobility
- Disabled driving in Ireland: Stuck in a Time Bubble
- Rainy days: Are they good or bad?
- 5 tips to help overcome cognitive problems
- Diagnosis Day - Not the best birthday gift.
- Noise Intolerance 4 strategies I use to manage my reaction
- The power of sharing experiences
- How I bootstrap my life in 4 simple steps
- Willpower: Could it be speeding up my decline
- Fatigue: 3 tips to overcome guilt (with a bonus tip too)
- Can one voice change anything?
- Research vs Social Welfare in Ireland
- Hospitals: Are they for patient care or doctors careers?
- Sharing my experience of being a Patient Advocate
- Bittersweet Day
- What is all this noise
- Why learning to be a Patient Expert has given me a purpose
- Is Patient Advocacy Worth The Obstacles
- MS & Mobility what I am doing to help myself
- 100 Day Challenge – Overcoming procrastination
- Is Patient Advocacy Worth The Obstacles
- Depression in Multiple Sclerosis- Is it inevitable?
- COVID-19 Confinement is finishing, or is it?
- Losing everything, again
- Fear – Is it reasonable to be so afraid
- Should I get treatment now with COVID-19 as a risk
- How Patient & Public Involvement is giving me purpose
- Can you take a holiday from DISABILITY? The Irish Government thinks I can!!
- Is Dublin Airport the leader in disability services?
- Living with Chronic Illness - Grey Days (dealing with depression)
- A life changing trip to San Francisco Part 3
- A life changing trip San Francisco part 2
- A life changing trip to San Francisco Part 1
- Functional Electrical Stimulation is changing my life
- A great month, despite chronic illness
- A Delicate Subject Disabled Toilets
- Difficult decisions forced by chronic illness
- Disabled Drivers and Climate Change
- Meditation- Am I fading like these tulips
- Excluded and alone, the Irish government wants this for me
- Should I start self medicating?
- Pacing - Not as easy as it sounds
- The medical and care systems are broken
- Back Again
- My Life with MS & Chronic Pain - Weeks 6 & 7
- My life with MS & Chronic Pain - Week 5
- Why I get out of bed each day
- My Life with MS & Chronic Pain - Week 4
- My Life with MS & Chronic Pain - Week 3
- My life with MS & Chronic Pain - Week 2
- My Life with MS & Chronic Pain - Week 1
- MS Conference highlights the importance of exercise & Vitamin D
- Holidays and disability - my vacation in Malaga, Spain
- 5 tips for managing a chronic illness I learned from business
- The cause of isolation when you have a chronic illness
- 5 Tips to help with overwhelm
- Preserving energy
- What is the best diet for people with MS.
- I think electric cars will help solve mobility problems for the disabled.
- Chronic pain and illness have become too much
- What to pack when going to the hospital
- New Diagnosis and New Treatment
- What does Multiple Sclerosis feel like for me
- How I take opportunities while living with a chronic illness
- Meditation: I share how it benefits me
- Tears - I realise I will need to get a mobility scooter
- Taking the air
- How I am dealing with more pain
- How I have learned to live beyond my limits
- Living with Chronic Illness - Seizing the day
- How to travel when you have a chronic illness.
- 4 mindset changes to help you live with chronic illness
- Transition Day - MS causes me to stop working
- 5 tips for people diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis
- An Unexpected Companion - Pain
- The Old Bod Road
- Why I am grateful for the things I have
- What Multiple Sclerosis & Pain have taught me
- How I manage my emotions while living with multiple sclerosis
- What I learned about myself from a simple mistake
- What I do when I get sick, while having a chronic illness
- How I holiday with Multiple Sclerosis
- Living with Chronic Illness - Back to Work
- 6 positive habits I learned to help live with chronic illness
- Living with Chronic Illness - Happy New Year
- Living with Chronic Illness - Christmas Edition
- Finding purpose in your life when you are living with a chronic illness
- Living with chronic illness - Why I always listen
- Living with Chronic Illness - Coping with Pain
- Living with Chronic Illness - Bad Days
- Living with Chronic Illness - Winter is coming - Preparation
- Living with chronic illness - taking opportunities
- Living with Chronic Illness - Am I fooling myself trying to learn something new?
- Living with chronic illness - Storms in my head
- How can I be happy living with Multiple Sclerosis and Pain
- Living with Chronic Illness Tip 5 - Adjusting to the new 'normal'
- Living with Chronic Illness Tip 4 Get Support
- Living with Chronic Illness Tip 3 Look after your mental health
- Living with Chronic Illness Tip 2 Be Healthy
- Tip 1 How to be the Master of your Chronic Illness
- How I face a difficult decision about treating pain
- How I live with pain, creating a new 'normal'. Learn what I do.
- Invisible symptoms, how I have learned to live with them
- Why having a chronic illness, like multiple sclerosis, makes me fearful during this pandemic
- How I take back control of my life when chronic illness is taking it away.
- Part 4 of 4: Interview with Dr Jonathan Egan on how to manage anxiety, stress and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic
- How I decided to get treatment for multiple sclerosis during the pandemic
- Part 3 of 4: Interview with Dr Jonathan Egan on how to manage anxiety, stress and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic
- How I live with fatigue
- Part 2 of 4: Interview with Dr Jonathan Egan on how to manage anxiety, stress and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Part 1 of 4: Interview with Dr Jonathan Egan on how to manage anxiety, stress and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic
- My life with Multiple Sclerosis: How I plan my day so I can live my best life.
- Why Multiple Sclerosis and Chronic Pain makes me live in 30 minute chunks