Welcome To The Puffulumps Veggies Garden

Hi im pebbles clark i am from sanjuan college I'm doin a presatation on the pufffalumps veggies garden based on the five basic food group i am from the clear program i hope you enjoy the presatation it is supposed to teach children about being heather and eating vegies in different ways they can learn to eat healthy food to grow strong bones mr ruffus and angel and mr nibbles are puppets from the pufffalumps vegie garden i am making a wonderful world of different story and imagination to open a childs mind in to reading Its based on the five basic food group im pebbles and hear is my y stort thanks and enjoy the presatation Written by pebbles clark

Welcome To The Puffulumps Veggies Garden

Latest episodes of the podcast Welcome To The Puffulumps Veggies Garden