Episode Synopsis "S1E6 Technological Techno"
Welcome to State Of The Universe Podcast. I'm Sapheria. Join me as we discuss all things universal - no topic is too great or too small. What’s happening with technology and the state of our food at the moment ? What is the real meaning of smart? We hear this word being thrown around constantly in the technology sphere, yet does anyone know what it means? Today I explore the implications of our AI future... Season 1 has a very specific theme - as of right now, I’m not playing the game any more - you know exactly what game I mean! It no longer deserves my attention. I choose to NOT participate in the current illusion. And I encourage you to do the same. Why? Because everything is energy and whichever way you face is where your energy is focused on. Energy literally creates your reality. A little bit about me - I'm a colour therapist and intuitive. I also have a masters degree in computer science - my unique combination of experience and credentials has given me a special interest in technology relating to our ethereal realm. This channel is focused on technology education and how we can evolve beyond the lower frequencies. Website: www.sapheria.net -------------- social channels -------------- PayPal Donations Appreciated - [email protected] Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/sapheria Twitter - https://twitter.com/SapheriaSays Spotify Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/72HJJaXKudEFm0NT1RZYw9 Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/sapheria-says/id1502596554 Anchor Podcast: https://anchor.fm/sapheria5 Pocket casts: https://pca.st/96048wan Google Podcast: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xNDUxNDI0NC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw== Breaker Podcast: https://www.breaker.audio/sapheria-says Radio Public: https://radiopublic.com/sapheria-says-WzBz1E LBRY - https://lbry.tv/@Sapheria:3 Bitchute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/4ouy57KYSoml/
Listen "S1E6 Technological Techno"
More episodes of the podcast We Live In Boxes.
- S1E12 The concept behind manifestation
- S2E2 What Would Manly P Hall Say Today?
- S2E1 What is Halloween?
- S1E18 What I think about humans
- S1E17 Three steps to get what you need
- S1E16 Three rules for dealing with energy vampires
- S1E15 Kundalini Awakening
- S1E14 Discussing Atlantis and Antartica
- S1E13 Remembering joy
- S1E11 How to calm a busy mind in 5 minutes
- S1E10 Ten minute thought focus for protection. Podcast Series: Season 1, Episode 10
- S1E9 Words to activate your book of truth
- S1E8 It's all theatre
- S1E7 It’s the magic drama trick again
- S1E6 Technological Techno
- S1E5 What is the goo?
- S1E4 Symbology 101 explained
- S1E3 Special book reading
- S1E2 Unplug from the matrix
- S1E1 Calling all humans to wake up
- We Live In Boxes. (Trailer)