1. Wedgewood Middle School - “Unique” prod. George Barrie and Glenn Davis, ft. Stephanie Amber

1. Wedgewood Middle School - “Unique” prod. George Barrie and Glenn Davis, ft. Stephanie Amber

WAV: We Amplify Voices

17/06/2019 10:01AM

Episode Synopsis "1. Wedgewood Middle School - “Unique” prod. George Barrie and Glenn Davis, ft. Stephanie Amber"

Dick & Jane Project Executive Director Nick D'Andrea talks with the students from Wedgewood Middle School about creating their song "Unique" with producers George Barrie and Glenn Davis, and artist Stephanie Amber.   Learn more at: TheDickAndJaneProject.org http://thedickandjaneproject.org

Listen "1. Wedgewood Middle School - “Unique” prod. George Barrie and Glenn Davis, ft. Stephanie Amber"

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