Colorful stories about the emotional journey of being a woman in the real estate industry space — real estate investing is a roller coaster of emotions. Discussions, experiences, insights, and learnings will help all of us stay motivated and sane in this emotion-filled industry. ~Sab
Latest episodes of the podcast Waist Beads of Real Estate w/ Sab Jackson
- Epi. 9: Time Management in Sab REI is Taking the Front Seat
- Epi. 8: REI Derailment? Do You Have Courage?
- Epi. 7: Listen .. Be Conservative Ms High ARV
- Epi. 6: What's Your REI Phase?
- Epi. 5: Do It, Before You Know Every Step!
- Epi. 4: Full Stop! When Alleged Cartel is Involved...
- Epi. 3: Moving A Mountain? ...aight
- Epi. 2: When It's Up, It Was Up ... Then It Got Stuck
- Epi. 1: Wearing These More... Daily!