Opportunities for planning in a low interest environment

Opportunities for planning in a low interest environment

W talks: families and family office

10/09/2020 11:00AM

Episode Synopsis "Opportunities for planning in a low interest environment"

In this podcast, we look at the opportunities for planning in the current, low-interest rate environment. Our host and head of the family office practice, Ivan Sacks, talks to Genevieve Larson, the head of Withers San Francisco office and a noted wealth planner, to consider guiding clients on estate planning during these unprecedented times, including addressing heightened concerns with mortality among wealth founders, and the importance of reviewing existing documents and plans to consider any needed changes.  In addition, Genevieve highlights the importance of possible tax changes ahead and the current opportunity that exists to utilize intra-family loans and other planning tools geared off the current low-interest rate environment to transfer wealth generationally and meet desired goals for your family. 

Listen "Opportunities for planning in a low interest environment"

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