Episode Synopsis "Stand Firm"
Listen to the pulpit message “Stand Firm”. The sermon text is Colossians 2:8 presented by Pastor Shawn Bowman on January 5, 2025, Senior Pastor, Victory Lutheran Church, Jamestown, ND.
Listen "Stand Firm"
More episodes of the podcast VLC Jamestown Pulpit Sermons
- Be Transformed
- Stand Firm
- The King Has Come: Ever After
- The King Has Come: Anticipation
- The Final Advent
- It is Written
- Believing is Seeing
- "The Gift of Hope"
- A Call to Persevere
- Confidence in Christ
- Christ Our Priest and Sacrifice
- Forgiveness Has Its Limits
- "Forgiveness Has Its Limits"
- Once You've Found Someone to Disciple
- Engaging the Lost
- "Praying Like a Disciple Maker"
- "Which Soil Am I On?"
- Which Ground Am I On?
- The Hope We Have
- Wait Upon the Lord
- Is Christ Divided?
- Gratitude
- A Conversation with Sara Hegerle
- God Cares for You
- "My Faith is a Hot Mess"
- Partners in the Gospel
- "Christ Goes With You"
- Hot Mess Job
- My Schedule is a Hot Mess
- My Family is a Hot Mess
- Money Talks; Pt. 4
- Money Talks; Gratitude
- Money Talks; Week Two
- Money Talks
- VCS Sunday; Teacher Interviews
- "Re-Creation"
- "The Courageous King"
- "Our Greatest Hope"
- Clinging to Jesus
- Set Free From Shame
- "Born Anew"
- "Saved from Shallow Religion"
- "Rewired in Christ"
- Firm in the Future
- "Firm in Righteous Living"
- Firm in Suffering
- Firm in the Faith; Pt. 2
- Firm in Faith Pt. 1
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- "God's Grace Gives Us Peace
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- "God's Grace is With Us"
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- "Abiding in Christ"
- "Pruned"
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- "We Are Safe in the Arms of Jesus"
- "Rescued" Pt 2
- "Rescued"
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- "When Comes the Collapse"
- "Give"
- "Behold!"
- "Daniel in the Lion's Den" Pt. 2
- "Daniel in the Lion's Den" Pt. 1
- "Prayer Changes Things" Pt. 2
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- "The Mystery Revealed"