Episode Synopsis "Vince’s Weather Reports trailer"
Hello everyone and thank you for tuning in to Vinces weather reports first podcast. My Name is Vince. A little background about me is that I am a junior meteorologist. For much of my life I have admired weather and my dream is to become a broadcast meteorologist reporting weather every day and helping people. I may still be in high school, but I hope this will not make you distrust anything I have to forecast or predict as I get all my information right from the national weather service and national weather forecasts to give you the most accurate weather and forecast for that day. I know my weather and meteorology quite well. With my knowledge I hope that I can give you a forecast every day that is reliable, accurate, and sometimes entertaining. This podcast is unlike any other weather podcast. Every single day I will bring you the forecast for that day across the United States spanning from The far north west of Washington to the far Southeast east of Florida, to the far north east of Maine, to the far southwest of California, and everywhere in between. I will tell you the high temps, the low temps, chances of precipitation, dewpoints, major weather events, weather alerts and everything you need to know for that day to plan your day around and much more. On top of it all, I’m not only going to report the weather for that day and that day's forecast but I will also give you the forecast for the next day so you can prepare for the next day as well in advance. I hope to become part of your daily routine, and that you will trust me for most of your weather needs. These podcasts will range from anywhere from 5 minutes to 10, maybe even 15 minutes if we have a lot to talk about. If you live anywhere across the country in any of the 50 states don’t worry! I will report your weather along with everyone else’s for that day. Of course I probably won’t go in depth on to every individual state for a long period of time but I will report major events that are happening in the regions of where your state is located. For example let’s say a snow storm is going to fall in the Midwest I will report on the states that will be getting the storm the amounts ranging and even the temperatures for that area in the major capital cities of those states. I’ve been forecasting weather for almost 2 years now. At my local high school we actually have a news program where I do the weather forecasts every single day, so this is not new to me. I know how to forecast weather. It will just be new to me spreading it to a wider audience. The podcast for the forecast of that day will be released the night before the day of the information on the forecast. For example, let’s say I’m forecasting the weather for March 21st. On the night of March 20, I would film and record my podcast, and upload that night. With this this is so that the next day in the morning afternoon, evening or anytime you want, you will have that forecast . You will have it whenever you need it. With that everybody I hope you enjoy Vinces weather reports. I hope you subscribe and turn in every single day for your forecast for your area, and the areas across the whole United States. This is Vince and thank you for listening to Vinces weather report trailer!
Listen "Vince’s Weather Reports trailer"
More episodes of the podcast Vince’s Weather Reports
- Christmas Eve and Day forecast
- Forecast for Friday and Saturday December 18th and 19th 2020
- Update on the record Nor’easter
- Tuesday and Wednesday December 15th and 16th forecast
- Vinces weather reports 9-7-20 forecast
- Update for 9-5-20
- Weather forecast #1 Aug 21st-22nd 2020
- Vince’s Weather Reports trailer