Victory In Christ Ministries Online

Vic­tory In Christ Min­istries is about shar­ing the love of God and about pro­vid­ing a vehi­cle to intro­duce peo­ple to Jesus Christ. Birthed out of its founders, Pas­tors Tom and Ann Kuchen­reuther, it is a min­istry ful­fill­ing the needs of God’s peo­ple. It has never been more impor­tant to out­reach across the globe to win the lost and heal those oppressed by the enemy. It is a min­istry that is about the Father’s busi­ness and will uti­lize the gifts of the Body of Christ to ful­fill the com­mand “Go ye there­fore, and teach all nations, bap­tiz­ing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost: Teach­ing them to observe all things what­so­ever I have com­manded you.” (Matt 28:19–20) Vic­tory In Christ Ministries will take the tech­nol­ogy of today, the youth of this gen­er­a­tion, and the anoint­ing of God on its mem­bers, and break the strong­holds off of God’s peo­ple, and to con­tribute to the great har­vest. Jesus has already won our victory!

Victory In Christ Ministries Online

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