Episode Synopsis "E02: Michael Carty, Chairman of the Workforce Board, Discusses the 2023 Governor's Workforce Summit"
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More episodes of the podcast USVI Works for Success
- E08: Sana Joseph Smith, Policy Advisor, on the Benefits of Attending the 2023 Governor's Workforce Summit
- E07: Governor Bryan on Workforce Development Challenges and Opportunites
- E06: Governor Bryan on the Impact of AI on Work and Learning
- E05: Governor Bryan on Why You Should Attend the 2023 Governor's Workforce Summit
- E04: Lt. Governor Roach on the Impact of AI on Workforce Development
- E03: Sonia Boyce, Executive Director of the Workforce Board, on the 2023 Governor's Workforce Summit
- E02: Michael Carty, Chairman of the Workforce Board, Discusses the 2023 Governor's Workforce Summit
- E01: Making the Most of Career Opportunities