UCED Podcast E.4 - Opportunity Zones Part 2 - GOED and NB&I

UCED Podcast E.4 - Opportunity Zones Part 2 - GOED and NB&I

UNR University Center for Economic Development

28/02/2019 11:07PM

Episode Synopsis "UCED Podcast E.4 - Opportunity Zones Part 2 - GOED and NB&I"

Professor Tom Harris, Director of the University Center for Economic Development at the University of Nevada, Reno, joined Karen Schnog, Management Analyst at the State of Nevada Department of Business & Industry (NB&I), and Derek Armstrong, a Deputy Director at the Nevada Governor's Office for Economic Development (GOED) by phone for Episode 4 of the UCED's Podcast Series. In this episode, the second in a miniseries on Opportunity Zones, the participants discuss specific zones and projects in Nevada, how these zones were selected, and how listeners can find more information about support for developing these zones. More information can be found at the following sites: GOED's site on Opportunity Zones: http://www.diversifynevada.com/programs/opportunity-zones/ NB&I's site on Opportunity Zones: http://business.nv.gov/Resource_Center/Access_to_Capital/Opportunity_Zones/ Northern Nevada Opportunity Zone Conference: http://www.renozonesummit.com/

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