No Papers No Fear You Can Do Business Here

No Papers No Fear You Can Do Business Here

Undocu Hustle Show

11/10/2020 11:07PM

Episode Synopsis "No Papers No Fear You Can Do Business Here "

Whether you have been at the side hustle game for a while now or you’re just stuck in the dreaming and planning stages, this how-to-book will give you the nudge you need to take the next step.  Throughout my entrepreneurship journey I have heard many times the same type of question “what steps did you take to start your hustle” and so many have told me that their number one barrier to growing or starting their hustle is being undocumented. Though our list of barriers is lengthy, not having legal status in this country shouldn’t stop you from starting up. I hope after reading this book you will cross "where should I start" off of that list.  The Ask: If this book sounds interesting to you or you know someone who can benefit from it, please reply to this email and let me know if you plan on backing the book on Kickstarter. Funding is all or nothing under Kickstarter rules and your support will be extremely valuable. 

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