Episode Synopsis "003: 3 Savings Tips Of Millionaires"
Learn the 3 ways millionaires become millionaires. It's not breaking news, but can you do these 3 things consistently? Subscribe to our Podcast to get new episodes each week and join our email newsletter community to receive weekly emails to your inbox keeping you up to date on Under 30 Wealth as well as receive all the golden nugget content I provide to my subscribers. It's great stuff!
Listen "003: 3 Savings Tips Of Millionaires"
More episodes of the podcast under30wealth
- 012 - Types Of CD's Offered By Bank
- 011 - Avoid These Checking Account Fees
- 010 - Budgeting 101 For High School Teenagers
- 009 - 5 Things Youll Need To Open A Checking Account
- 008 - Comparing 3 Different Bank Accounts
- 007: Taxes 101 For High School Teens
- 006 - Savings Plan 101 For High School Teens
- 005: Investing 101 For Teenagers And Young Adults
- 004: CD Ladder Investment Strategy
- 003: 3 Savings Tips Of Millionaires
- 002: Habits Of Successful Real Estate Investors
- 001: Welcome To The Under 30 Wealth Podcast