The Export Finance podcast is a regular discussion on the challenges and opportunities within export and agency finance.
Latest episodes of the podcast TXF Export Finance Podcast
- ESG, Aid ’n’ Trade
- Mandates with destiny - Does export finance need a bigger bucket?
- Ain’t no way to delay that trouble coming every day - Export finance and geopolitics
- Xylem and Citi on sustainability and trade: Transparency is key
- Africa: Export finance, PRI and life after Covid
- Shop talk: Bpifrance on upping ECA cover amid pandemic
- ECAs and banks at the time of Covid-19
- Keynote: US Exim’s Renna on when the rubber hits the road
- Keynote: ADB’s Beck on supercharging trade finance as a crisis response vehicle
- Keynote: Pedal still to the metal on sustainability for France’s MoF