The markinperthwa's Podcast

Welcome guys! This is my very first ever podcast, i'm an entrepreneur 4 years in. 2 epic fails, and for the last 2 and a half years I am successfully generating an income. But I don't necessarily feel successful which is a strange statement in itself. This is basically an introduction on sharing my story with you, what i expect this podcast to become, and to document my progression as an online entrepreneur. I have a few businesses, this video content creation is my latest venture. But I am passionate about engaging with like minded people and want to here your stories, your successes, or your failures and whatever happens we can do it together.This podcast could be a total flop, and no one watches it apart from myself, or on the other hand, I am hoping, it will be a success. I am betting on it being successful, because I am passionate about reaching people who need that push in the right direction to change your life. Because I am on the same journey I believe we already have a connec...

The markinperthwa's Podcast

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