The Lisa Lewis Show | Tips & Trends Small Businesses Should Consider in 2019!

The Lisa Lewis Show | Tips & Trends Small Businesses Should Consider in 2019!

The Lisa Lewis Show

14/01/2019 7:00PM

Episode Synopsis "The Lisa Lewis Show | Tips & Trends Small Businesses Should Consider in 2019!"

Today’s podcast features, Lisa Lewis, Creative Founder at Lisa Lewis Company. Ms. Lewis is “The Daughter Of The 🤴🏻 King”, Proud Mum, Entrepreneur, Meetup Host, and she loves to plan events for hire! As you listen 👂 you will hear the topic of the hour...”Tips & Trends Small Businesses Should Consider in 2019!” Today, I speak on the benefits of hiring a Business Coach now, being on my MARY KAY team, the benefits of Meetup, as well as companies that can offer “student loan assistance” to millennials as a perk! So, take a listen 👂 and give us your honest feedback via email at ([email protected]) or call us directly at (210) 240-8845. And, head over to our poshly informative website at ➡️! Here on ‘The Lisa Lewis Show’ we provide a provocative platform for “Movers & Influencers” to have their voice, visibility, and instant value of their services and products broadcast to a audience of over ( One Million) insightful listeners!! So, collaborate with us here on TogiNet Radio, and you’ll get an hour interview and or a marketing ad! Remember, when you bring us your business, we’ll bring it to 📻 Radio!” ~Your Host...Lisa Lewis

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