A fun, chillin and informative Jewish podcast where we will discuss various topics ranging from current world events to health, Halacha and motivation . Our goal is that after listening to an episode you will have gained some useful knowledge and will be feeling uplifted and happy. Enjoy!!!!
Latest episodes of the podcast The Kosher Vids Podcast
- Why your Mother and Father Need to be the Two Coolest People in your Life!!
- #9 Why do so Many Celebrities go Nuts??
- #8 Rip up Your Rule Book/ It's Healthy to do Crazy Things Sometimes!!
- #7 The Boy Who Got Legally Kidnapped for 3 Months- A Live Interview
- #6 Why You Should be a Minimalist- with Shimmy Schiller
- #5 What if I Don't Like Learning Torah? -with Shimmy Schiller
- #3 Finding Your Passion in Life and The Power of Music with "Ezzi" Hirsch
- #2 How to Get Along With Your Parents with "Ezzi Hirsch"!!
- #1 What to Learn From Race Horses and Roller Coasters