Stu, Stef, and Brad discuss their CrossFit experiences while mixing in a wide variety of other topics. Guest episodes include all types of people in the CrossFit community from the firebreathers to the 100 pound club.
Latest episodes of the podcast The CrossFit Enapay Podcast
- The One About The Open
- Fat Guy in a Little Coat
- Rode Hard and Put Up Wet
- Hot Pockets
- I Should’ve Been A Cowboy
- Bringing the Heath
- Drunk History: The CrossFire Days
- Steven Day: International Man of Mystery
- Analyzing the 2020 CrossFit Games
- Trump vs Biden: CrossFit Games Style
- That’s Pretty Wild, Bro!
- Adult: 2020
- 52 Cries Per Year
- It’s a purse, K?!
- Paper, Rock, Scissors (Shoot)
- I Slept With Someone On The Podcast And I’ll I Got Was This Stupid Episode About Me
- Melt the Ice Cube
- Squat til’ Your Uterus Drops
- Guilty As Charged, With The Stories
- Who is Marcus?
- Too Many Balls In The Air
- The Expo Episode
- Cherry Picking, Toxic Thoughts, and the Exotic Pet Draft