What's My Gift 🏁

What's My Gift 🏁


25/04/2020 11:40AM

Episode Synopsis "What's My Gift 🏁"

I'm swerveBIRDSONG and I exist to help you locate, cultivate, and brand your gift.  In my 1st episode of SwerveTalk, I'll take you through some shortcuts to help you get in your gift. 🏁 Make sure to visit www.swerveup.co to get updated Info, music, and gear.   🏁 Remember to get in gear, swerve on roadblocks, and let Love GPS. 🏁 Questions to help you locate your gift: 1. What makes you angry? 2. What do you do easily that others can’t do? 3. What would you do for the young/past “you”? 4. What do you unconciously commit to doing in all moods (happy, mad, sad, bored)? 5. Ask your family/friends what things they love about you. 6. What makes you afraid/intimidates you? 7. What do you have a sense of pride in? What conversations/praise do you feel uncomfortable being left out of?

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