Episode Synopsis "Balak: To Curse or Not to Curse"
Thoughts on the Torah portion Balak, Numbers 22:2-25:9. To Curse of not to Curse. Balak, Moabite king hires Balaam, a diviner to attempt to curse Israel. See how God, Hashem demonstrates his power and his covenant keeping character.
Listen "Balak: To Curse or Not to Curse"
More episodes of the podcast Sweetness of the Scroll: The Remix
- Episode 11 -Ki Tisa: When You Take
- Episode 10 -Tetzaveh
- Episode 9 -The Remix: Introduction
- Shoftim A Prophet Like Unto Moses Mashiach Deut. 16:18-21:9
- Re'eh: See a blessing and a curse Deut. 11:26-16:17
- Ekev: A Call to Obedience 2.0 Deut. 7:12-11:25
- Vaetchanan: A Call to Obedience Deut. 3:23-7:11
- Devarim: His-Story; Moses tells the history
- Mattot:Don't Make Vows You Can't Keep and Masei: Life is a Journey
- Pinchas: The Perpetual Priesthood-A Promise to Phinehas
- Balak: To Curse or Not to Curse